Ella - Business Administration

My whole life, I've tried my best to be a "good Christian"— I went to church regularly, prayed before my meals, and took up leadership positions in my high school's Christian club. Coming into college, I wanted to find a Christian fellowship partly because it was what was expected of me. I thought I'd join a group that would meet up once a week, have Bible study for a couple of hours, and then go our separate ways. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon A2F my first quarter at UW. I found a group of peers that were more than a bible study or church group, but a family. To see a community of people my age really try and live life the way God intended has inspired me to grow more in my faith. Spiritually, I still haven't gotten to where I know God wants me to be, but I am more motivated towards getting there than ever before. I tried to join a Christian fellowship because it was expected of me, but now I'm staying because I want to grow closer to God and because I feel I have truly found "my people."


Irene Chen - Biology


Jeremy Yau - Statistics